The annual growth of the global chip market stood at 13.3 percent in June, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association, but it is down from 18.0 percent in May.

As these numbers are based on the three-month moving average (3MMA) June’s numbers are a proxy the 2Q22 versus 2Q21 but it also means the loss of 5 percentage points in just one month is exceptionally steep. In March – the proxy for the 1Q22 – annual chip market growth stood at 23.0 percent. Since then it has moved to 21.1 percent and 18.0 percent in April and May respectively.

Worldwide sales of semiconductors totalled $152.5 billion during 2Q22, an increase of 0.5 percent on 1Q22.

All the regions of the world monitored by World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS), the original source of the numbers, continued to grow year-on-year but all the regions saw their growth falling more rapidly than in the previous month.

The Americas region remains the fastest growing at 29.0 percent – but down from 36.9 percent in May. China is the slowest growing at 4.7 percent, down from 9.1 percent in May. Europe and Japan achieved annual growth of 12.4 and 16.1 percent, respectively.

Three-month average of chip sales by geographic region for June and May 2022. Source: SIA/WSTS.

“Market growth has slowed somewhat in recent months . . . with year-to-year growth in June dipping below 15 percent for the first time since February 2021,” said John Neuffer, CEO of SIA, in a statement.

Monthly data is given by the SIA as a three-month average although the source of the data, World Semiconductor Trade Statistics, tracks monthly data. The SIA and other regional semiconductor industry bodies opt to use averaged data because it evens out the actual data that typically shows troughs at the beginnings of quarters and peaks at the ends of quarters.

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Going down: Annual chip market growth continued to soften in May

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